Sacred Mantras Online Workshop

Sacred mantras are specific words, sounds, or phrases that hold spiritual and mystical power in various traditions. They are often chanted, sung, or meditated upon to invoke divine presence, aid in concentration, or achieve a state of higher consciousness. The frequency modulation in mantras create vibrations that align the practitioner with the energy of the universe, bringing about spiritual transformation, healing, and protection.

The online workshop will be held by Sianai and is for a small group of dedicated students only. It consists of 4 sessions of 1-2 hours during November. We will learn about the history and theory of different mantras and practice them together under guidance. After completing the course, you will have 7 mantras that you can master with some individual practice. It`s also possible to take a private on- or offline class or coaching on request.

As we go deeper with the mantras, you will gradually understand better how they work in and with you and overall help you sustainably.

The sessions will be held on a weekday (between monday and thursday) during the evening. We will coordinate the respective days/times with our group so that (in the best case) nobody misses a sessions. The energy exchange depends on the individual situation of each participant. Depending on the group constellation, the workshop will be held in German and/or English. You will find a rough schedule of the individual sessions at the bottom of this page.

During November we will be offering the basic workshop “Sacred Mantras” and the continuation workshop for existing students.

If you would like to participate, you can register until October 30.
Please send an e-mail to:

Quotes from participants of our last online workshop


“Participating in the 4-week mantra course with Sianai has truly enriched my life. The individual online sessions were profound and provided a surplus of knowledge and experience that I was able to accept with gratitude. Being introduced to the different traditions was an inspiration and a reminder of how powerful a disciplined practice can impact an individual’s life and their environment. The course is a sign of true abundance and I am already looking forward to learning and experiencing the sacred mantra on subsequent courses.”

“Thank you deeply for such a rich and intensive course. Your love and dedication to the Chants was so very feelable throughout the course and this made your well prepared workshop very vivid. I find that by reciting the mantras I can immerse myself in a different field and my mind calms down. I still feel very fulfilled especially after the last session and look forward to diving even deeper into the songs you presented.”

“After a few weeks of letting all the information sink in, I realize that this workshop is a big key point in my self-study. Sianai’s extensive experience and in-depth knowledge impressed me more and more from session to session. I really appreciate his direct way of passing on the knowledge to us, especially how to really integrate what we have learned into everyday life and what discipline is required. With all the material that was sent to us and all the tips for self-study, I will definitely be busy for a long time. Thank you very much for this in-depth workshop!”

“The ‘Sacred Mantras’ workshop is a spiritual journey around the world – from traditional Tibet, through ancient Kemet, the mystical Amazon rainforest and back to Indian Kundalini Yoga. Sianai embeds the ever-present thread of the sacred mantras both in the historical and therotical context and then pours it into a practicable and easily accessible structure to prepare the ground for an individual mantra practice. A rich wealth of techniques that help to purify and root oneself in being and, above all, bring great joy!”

Session 1: Introduction to Sacred Mantras

  • Welcome and Workshop Overview
    • Introduction of facilitator and participants
    • Overview of the workshop structure and goals
  • Historical and Cultural Context
    • Origins and significance of mantras in various traditions (Amazon rainforest, Tibet, Kemet, etc.)
    • Key texts and figures associated with mantras
  • Understanding Mantras
    • Definition and types of mantras
    • The role of sound and vibration in spiritual practices
    • Practicing together selected mantras
  • Q&A and Interactive Discussion
    • Open floor for questions and participant insights
    • Brief introduction to the next session’s focus

Session 2: Techniques for Chanting and Meditation

  • Recap of Previous Session
    • Quick review of key points and participant reflections
  • Techniques for Chanting Mantras
    • Proper pronunciation and rhythm
    • Different methods of chanting
  • Mantra Meditation Practices
    • Guided mantra chanting session
    • Techniques for incorporating mantras into daily meditation and ritual practice
    • Resolve to practice excellence
  • Q&A and Practice Sharing
    • Participants share their experiences and challenges
    • Introduction to mantras to be explored in the next session

Session 3: Exploring Specific Mantras

  • Recap of Previous Session
    • Quick review of key points and participant reflections
  • Deep Dive into Key Mantras
    • Analysis and chanting of specific mantras
    • Spiritual significance of mantras
  • Practical Applications and Benefits
    • How to use specific mantras for different purposes (healing, protection, spiritual growth)
    • Personal stories and experiences from practitioners
  • Q&A and Group Chanting
    • Open floor for questions and discussion
    • Group chanting of selected mantras

Session 4: Integrating Mantras to your Daily Life

  • Recap of Previous Session
    • Quick review of key points and participant reflections
  • Creating a Personal Mantra Practice
    • Tips for developing a consistent mantra practice
    • Setting intentions and goals with mantras
  • Advanced Practices and Variations
    • Combining mantras with other spiritual practices (yoga, breathwork, rituals)
    • Exploring variations and creating personalized mantras with words of power
  • Closing Q&A and Reflection
    • Final questions and participant feedback
    • Reflecting on the workshop journey and the next steps for personal practice



If you would like to participate, you can register until October 30. Please send an email to: